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How the Grading Works

For all of my math students, your grade is calculated based upon a weighted average.

2014-2015 Weighted Averages

In Class Problems/ Quizzes6%
Projects/Presentations 12%
Flash Cards0%
Final Exam20%

Grading Range

For all math classes other than Computer Science it is an AHS mathematics department policy that you have the option to replace your lowest test score with the average of the lowest test score and your final exam score. (Exception, see note below for 0% cheating grades)

Please, DO NOT MISS the Day of a TEST!!! Expect a different special make-up test if you are absent.

On the average, we have about 5-8 tests per semester.

The tests are more demanding that what most students expect. Tests require a diverse set of problems which will require you to problem solve and connect multiple skills and concepts. The tests do not resemble the easier HW problems.

All tests must be completed before the bell rings.

Most tests will eventually be returned once every student has completed the test. However, all students are welcome to see their test and answers during support period.

Make-ups tests will take place the following “review like” day.
If a student is caught cheating, it is an automatic 0% and a referral to the administration. You are placed on a two year academic probation. In addition, the 0% grade is not eligible to be averaged with your final exam score for the department wide policy. (see policy above) We would use to lowest non-cheating grade to average with the final exam score.

The tests are quite challenging so doing your HW and Khan Academy not only helps you prepare, but you have the potential for a 5% test bonus which is quite generous. Read the details about the test bonus below.

Notebooks (We use separate composition notebooks) 
1) Notes Notebook 
2) HW Notebook
Even though Notes are worth 0% of your grade, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you take great notes. On occasion, your NOTES Notebook will be allowed to be used during the test. Consequently, taking better notes can lead to significant help as you prepare and during some tests.

Even though HW is worth 0% of your grade, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you do every HW assignment and reviews. It is nearly impossible to pass the class unless you put quality practice into your test preparation.

By Completing ALL of the following for a chapter
1) HW
2) Textbook Reviews
3) Recommended Khan Assignment achieving the Mastery status for each assignment.

you will get an 5% EXTRA TEST points. You cannot get any extra credit points unless every HW assignment, textbook reviews and mastery level is achieved on the recommended Khan Assignments. These assignments are usually due the day of the test. You cannot go back at the end of the semester and then attempt your HW and Khan.
To get the bonus extra test points 1) Complete 2) On time

Sign up for a free Khan Academy account and select me as your "COACH." More details to follow. At the start of every chapter, you will see your Recommended Khan Assignments. You must achieve the MASTERY level on all of the assignments to qualify for the test bonus. There are built in timers within Khan so you cannot achieve mastery in a short time. Please start early at least a week before the test date.

In Class Problems/Quizzes
In class problems/quizzes are usually easy and serve as a guide as we progress through the learning process. They are usually very short with just 1 problem. (100% or 0%). The in class problems/quizzes are mostly based upon what we learned that day. These short problems/quizzes are like temperature readings as we teach new material, therefore the problems/quizzes are elementary in nature.

Over the course of the semester, we will take as many as 50 quizzes each worth a variety of points.

If you are absent the day we take a quiz, there are no make-ups. However, the next quiz you take will be worth double. If you miss two quizzes, the next quiz will be worth triple and so on.

Quizzes are rarely returned since you will probably know your grade right away. However, all students are welcome to see their quizzes and answers during support.

A majority of these problems/quizzes are usually taken with a buddy where you turn in 1 piece of paper with 2 names on top.

Projects/ Presentations
Throughout the semester, I will assign projects and presentations on a variety of topics dealing with all sorts of problem solving, creativity and exploration.

These projects and presentations are designed for students to challenge themselves, use their creativity, discovery new things and are non-traditional in nature.

Even though Flashcards are worth 0% of your grade, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you use the recommended flashcard topics list and create a set of flashcards for every test. On occasion, I allow students to use their flashcards during the test. The students who make them will be at an advantage. Not only do you learn through making the flashcards, there is a chance you will be rewarded by being allowed to use them during the test. You will not be allowed to use somebody else's flashcards.

Use the recommended Flashcard Topics List on our class website

Due to test security, make-up tests are taken with different tests and under different conditions with respect to flashcards and notes. Be present the day of tests.

Participation/ Citizenship
This grade is subjective based upon your in-class contribution with standards based activities. Display great leadership skills and be positive.

Writing Responsibilities
As we transition into Common Core, you will see lots of writing across all classes. You are expected to write your best work and use the standard MLA format with all papers. I suggest you use your Google Drive account to create documents so that when I require you to turn it in via a link, Google Drive will give you a link to submit to me.

Final Exams
In the mathematics department, the first semester is given the week prior to winter vacation.

The second semester final is given during the last week of school during finals week.

All finals are departmental and comprehensive.  

Semester Bonus: Khan Academy Bonus
If you complete these 2 things, you will get an additional 2% added to your overall grade at the end of the semester.
1) You must complete 1200 minutes of Khan per semester AND
2) You must obtain 250,000 Khan Academy Points

Due date will be announced.

It is nearly impossible to achieve this bonus unless you devote quality time throughout the semester.